576109.jpg Specially developed for the RoboMission category of the World Robot Olympiad With intelligent sensors such as several color sensors, the robot recognizes colors and lines precisely and navigates optimally, controlled by the powerful TXT 4.0 controller, which enables almost unlimited project ideas Block or text-based programming in the ROBO Pro Coding App (available for free download for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS and Linux) Helpful tutorials for an easy introduction to STEM programming from RoboMission and the ROBO Pro Coding App directly on the fischertechnik website: https://www.fischertechnik.de/en/schools/wro
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ROB00300.jpg It is difficult to monitor the state of the battery when using it on the model. We put a small display that measures the voltage in a small case, so that it can be mounted on the battery and constantly show the state. It is connected in parallel with the consumer (shown in the pictures). The consumption of the display is negligible, so it can be switched on all the time.
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ProgBlox_Carset.jpg The ProgBlox Car set is in our offer at a promotional price of €199 (including VAT). The set contains all parts of the Early coding set and ProgBlox elements for programming. The programming kit includes 56 command blocks, a tablet and a vehicle.
ProgBlox01.jpg Our new project. Learning the basic steps of programming through play and without the use of computers or smartphones. In the pictures and video, you can see the first three "tablets" (test samples) and how the programs for the different models "combine". Programs can be made in two levels. The basic level, which does not require any prior knowledge, and the higher level, which requires basic knowledge of the devices to be controlled (motors, lights, sensors). It is possible to use any DC motor or standard sensor (key, photo, IR, magnetic,...) in model making. The attached pictures are from the MakerFair in Zagreb.
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Bubi_01.jpg New version, complete and with remote control. Controls via Arduino MEGA (T5 + NRF24L01) interface. Screen controls (eyes) via micro: bit interface and speech synthesis via Arduino UNO interface. Other upgrades or combinations are possible. Video link:
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Meca_Car-1.jpg All-wheel drive via XS motor and gearbox. The model uses a Mecanum version of the wheels that must be mounted in a specific way so that the vehicle can move in all directions. The vehicle can be operated via any interface (micro: bit, Arduino or Raspberry). Konstrukcija modela je vrlo jednostavna.
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XM65DW-1.jpg The vehicle is powered by two XM engines. The first model via a worm screw on 20-tooth gears and therefore the model has a stronger transmission but low speed. The model can have two speeds. The second model has a 10:30 gear transmission, and the third model has a 10:20 gear transmission. All three models are part of the "Car XM65DW" set. Any interface (TXT, Arduino, Raspberry or micro: bit) can be used to control the model.
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EKSPLORER_vozilo001.jpg We are finishing the most complex vehicle we have designed so far, and it can be used to explore the environment. It can use one USB camera or a stereo (two synchronized cameras) USB camera for online video viewing. Stereo images can be monitored via 3D glasses. Vehicle control can be via a website with simultaneous video viewing or via a manual controller (NRF24L01). The controls allow you to control the vehicle and the movement of the camera. The Arduino Mega (Mega F5) is used for vehicle control, and the Raspberry Pi 3B is used for video link and internet control (Pi T5). The vehicle can be powered by four batteries (1800mAh) or connected via an adapter (9V 5A). The vehicle can use two types of wheels, the standard 80mm fischertechnik or our new 100mm (as in the pictures).
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Robo_Car_Mbit_01.jpg We made a vehicle for a competition in robotic rescue (RESCUE). The vehicle can be operated via a micro: bit computer (V1 or V2). All necessary sensors (Ultrasonic, IR, Color) can be mounted on the vehicle. The vehicle has movable rear wheels for easier cornering. By changing the carrier, you can easily replace the control interface with another interface (Arduino, Raspberry Pi).
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New_Omni80_1.jpg For larger models, we made larger wheels (80 mm) with rollers coated with silicone covers. The wheels are standardly mounted on a 4mm shaft via a clamping butterfly nut.
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New_Omni_1.jpg A new ROBOTIC SET is under construction with a vehicle model that supports control via any of our interfaces (micro: bit, Arduino, Raspberry). The vehicle has all-wheel drive and can move in all directions with the help of Omni wheels. Mount the interface to the model via the X holder.
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microbit_nosac.jpg For the simplest possible installation of the IO F5 / T5 interface, we made an X bracket. Installation is possible in two ways. The mounting method can be seen in the attached pictures. You can order the holder via the catalog (micro: bit) or download the file via the link below and print it yourself.
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Conv01.jpg OpenPLC - a slightly "serious" project. Conveyor control with two machining points. Example with Arduino UNO and UNO-F5 interface. PROGRAM SAMPLE in programming school Arduino - OpenPLC (LINK).
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VR-01.jpg VR with LED control. We use VR glasses for the cell phone seen in the video example. The other cell phone is for LED control. Complete input-output control and streaming goes via the Raspberry Pi 3B and Pi-F5 interface. Two USB cameras are for receiving stereo images.
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Monster Car_Basic.jpg New vehicle model In our offer. It is possible to control it via any interface from our offer (micro: bit, Arduino or Raspberry). Upgrade type and number of sensors according to interface capabilities. Power supply via battery 35537 - (8.4V 1800 mAh).
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