Trening models 24V


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Agile Production Simulation 24V incl. PLC S7-1200 and Digital Twin 


Efficiency, agility and flexibility are indispensable in the construction of current and future factories.), (), (fischertechnik now presents a training model of such a flexible and modular factory - the Agile Production Simulation. The factory consists of individual modules such as incoming and outgoing goods, high-bay warehouse, milling station, drilling station, quality assurance with AI. A driverless transport system flexibly transports workpieces between the individual stations and ensures a flexible production process that can be adapted to customer requirements. The factory can be expanded to include a kiln, additional drilling or milling stations and also additional driverless transport systems.), (Each workpiece contains an NFC tag on which production data is written (colour of the workpiece, time of delivery, time of storage and retrieval, production steps carried out, quality inspection carried out). The differently coloured workpieces (white, red, blue) go through different production processes and thus pass through different stations in the factory and have different throughput times.), (), (The factory is controlled by a central controller (Raspberry Pi 4 Model B), which is networked with the controllers of the individual factory modules, PLC Siemens S7 1200 in the 24V version. The central control communicates via the standardised AGV interface VDA 5050 and controls the transport orders for the AGV. The MQTT protocol (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is used for communication.), (), (The factory is also connected via a WLAN router to the fischertechnik Cloud, which contains an online shop for ordering workpieces by the customer. Furthermore, dashboards are available for order control, visualisation of the factory status and determination of key figures. To simulate remote maintenance, the images taken by the moving camera in the factory are displayed in the dashboard so that the condition of the factory can be viewed remotely.), (), (Physically, the base plates of individual modules of the factory are connected to each other via a tongue and groove principle to form a coherent base plate. Further modules can be added at the open ends and configured in the dashboard.), (), (The accompanying didactic material offers a detailed introduction to the handling of the factory as well as extensive teaching material. Contents include the basics of Industry 4.0, modular production, intelligent networking, human-technology organisation, Digital Twin, sensor data evaluation in real time and much more.), (), (Power supply 24V power supply unit 11A,null), (1x central control Raspberry Pi 4B,null), (5x PLC Siemens S7-1200,null), (3x TXT 4.0 controller (1x for sensors and camera as well as cloud access in WE/WA module, 1x for quality assurance with AI, 1x for AGV),null), (1x WLAN router for WLAN network,null), (Software: PLC programs (structured text),null), (JavaScript for central control on the Raspberry Pi,null), (Node-RED for communication between PLC and TXT 4.0 controller,null), (Python for programs on TXT 4.0 controller,null), (Tensorflow for supervised learning in quality assurance with AI.

APS ADD ON: Annealing Furnace 24v incl. PLC S7-1200 


The APS Add On: Annealing Furnace adds a new production module to the Agile Production Simulation (APS). The standard configuration with a drilling and milling module is extended by the optionof a Annealing Furnace. The additional process module allows theintroduction of new derivatives into production or the expansion of), (existing production configurations by an additional process step.), (), (The Annealing Furnace consists of a docking station for the Automated Guided Vehicle system (AGV) and a vacuum gripper that transports the workpiece into the Annealing Furnace using pneumatics.Hardening is simulated there with a red light. After the process, theworkpiece is removed from the Annealing Furnace using a gripperand placed back on the AGV.), (), (Control unit:), (24V model controlled with SIEMENS S7-1200), (Program in structured text already played on controller

APS ADD ON: Automated Guided Vehicle 


The APS Add On: Automated Guided Vehicle extends the Agile Production Simulation (APS) with an additional Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). This is responsible for intralogistics within APS and enables), (agile and fl exible processes. The additional AGV signifi cantly increases the possibilities of intralogistics. Parallelisation and prioritisationin the production workfl ow can be planned, tested and experienced.At the same time, the complexity of logistics processes increases.), (), (The Automated Guided Vehicle uses ultrasonic sensors, line sensors,push buttons and a phototransistor to orientate itself within the AgileProduction Simulation.), (), (The Mecanum Omniwheels enable multidirectional driving and therefore space-saving and effective transportof workpieces within the Agile Production Simulation. The AGV receives its driving commands from the central control unit of the AgileProduction Simulation in the industry standard VDA 5050. The AGVuses a fi schertechnik 8.4V 1800mAh battery pack as its power supply.When the battery reaches a defi ned low level, the AGV automatically moves to the integrated charging station. The additional AGV canonly be operated in conjunction with the Agile Production Simulation.), (), (Software), (The programmes in Python are already loaded onto the controller of the AGV. The MQTT protocol is also used for communication.

Production Line 24v (replacement for #96790) 


The fischertechnik Production Line 24V simulates a series of linked manufacturing steps. At the beginning, the workpieces are loaded onto a rotary indexing table with four stations using a pneumatic slider from a magazine. The rotary indexing table transports the workpieces step by step to the drilling and welding stations, where the workpieces are processed. In the final station of the rotary indexing table, a vacuum suction gripper removes the processed workpieces and places them on a conveyor belt. This conveyor transports the workpieces to the palletizing unit, where 3 workpieces are collected and then pushed onto a pallet.), (), (The Production Line 24V includes a comprehensive PLC course that uses the physical model to create a lasting learning experience for PLC programming. At the end of the course, the learner will be able to wire the Production Line 24V independently and program it in function block diagram or structured text. In a safe, yet industry-real environment, the learner builds up know-how that can be used for real machine programming and commissioning. The didactic concept covers all the essential steps from wiring using a circuit diagram and creating a flowchart to programming (FBD or SCL) and commissioning the model. Thanks to the action-oriented approach of this training model, participants not only develop a deep understanding of PLC programming, but also the ability to master complex control tasks independently. The model promotes hands-on learning, creativity and problem-solving skills, optimally preparing participants for the demands of industrial practice.), (), (Control system:), (24V model prepared for control with a PLC), (PLC requirements: 8 digital inputs and 10 digital outputs 24V), (PLC programming course designed for structured text and function chart

Bending Machine 24v (replacement for #96785) 


The fischertechnik Bending Machine 24V simulates the transportation and bending of workpieces. The model can be used in either semi-automatic or automatic mode. In semi-automatic mode, the unbent workpieces are manually inserted into the transport carriage. In automatic mode, the transport carriage positions itself automatically under a magazine that provides the workpieces. The loaded carriage then transports the workpiece to the bending machine, where it is bent. The transport carriage then takes the bent workpiece to the removal point.), (), (The Bending Machine 24V includes a comprehensive PLC course that uses the physical model to create a lasting learning experience for PLC programming. At the end of the course, the learner will be able to wire the 24V bending machine independently and program it in function block diagram or structured text. In a safe, yet industry-real environment, they will build up know-how that can be used for real machine programming and commissioning. The didactic concept covers all the essential steps from wiring using a circuit diagram and creating a flowchart to programming (FBD or SCL) and commissioning the model. Thanks to the action-oriented approach of this training model, participants not only develop a deep understanding of PLC programming, but also the ability to master complex control tasks independently. The model promotes hands-on learning, creativity and problem-solving skills, optimally preparing participants for the demands of industrial practice.), (), (Control system), (24V model prepared for control with a PLC), (PLC requirements: 8 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs 24V), (PLC programming course designed for structured text and function chart

Training Factory Industry 4.0 in 24v with SIEMENS PLC S7-1500 (EDU) 


Version for educational institutions
The following topics can be covered with fischertechnik Training Factory Industry 4.0:), (• Training and simulation on realistic production images), (• Deepening learning through haptic understanding), (• Optical and sensory applications), (• Digital traceability with NFC / RFID), (• Customer specific production in batch size 1), (• Integrated cloud connection, smart device management), (• Use and operation of dashboards), (• Remote monitoring via the web), (• Linking production and disposal data), (• Connecting upstream / downstream logistics processes), (• The high-bay warehouse operates according to the FIFO industry standard), (• Sample program as structured text (ST) for Siemens PLC S7-1500 is already included, it is also possible to create a custom program by the end user), (Version for educational institutions (schools, colleges) with a special discount on Siemens PLC S7-1500 installed on the model

Training Factory Industry 4.0 in 24v with PLC Connection Board 


The following topics can be addressed with fischertechnik Training Factory Industry 4.0:), (• Training and simulation on a realistic production image), (• Deepening learning through haptic comprehension), (• Optical and sensory applications), (• Digital traceability with NFC/RFID), (• Customer-specific production in batch size 1), (• Integrated cloud connection, control via smart devices), (• Use and operation of dashboards), (• Web-based remote monitoring), (• Linking of production and disposition data), (• Connection of upstream/downstream logistics processes), (• High-bay warehouse operates according to FIFO industry standard), (• Sample program as structured text (ST) for Siemens PLC S7-1500 already included, custom program creation by end-user is also possible

Simulation Factory 24v 


Combination of the models Sorting Line With Color Detection, Multi Processing Station With Oven, Automated High-Bay Warehouse and Vacuum Gripper Robot. Self-contained material cycle: workpieces are retrieved from the Automated High-Bay Warehouse, processed in the Multi Processing Station With Oven, then sorted by color in the Sorting Line With Color Detection and finally stored in the Automated High-Bay Warehouse again.

Sorting Line with Color Detection 24v 


Detects workpieces of different colors and sorts them via a conveyor belt into the provided storage unit. Incl. 2x mini motors, 5x phototransistors, 5x lens tip lamps, 3x solenoid valves, compressor, optical color sensor. Model packed in a robust box.

Multi Working Station with Oven 24v 


Furnace with pneumatic sliding door. Downstream processing station with pneumatic transfer unit including vacuum gripper, cutter with rotary table and conveyor belt. Incl. 4x mini motors, 6x push buttons (limit switch), 2x phototransistors, 2x lens tip lamps, 4x solenoid valves, compressor. Model packed in a robust box.


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